Kiril Vasilev: Bann


Ausscheidungen von küchenschaben
auf dem weissen einband des buchs
mit gedichten von Paul Celan

das nichts getrennt durch punkte
und wieder verbunden durch kommata
vor den worten und danach

ich stellte das buch wieder hinter den schrank
nun lasst uns darüber streiten ob die erlösung
unsere stimmen überdauern wird



Изпражнения на хлебарки
върху бялата корица на книга
със стихове на Паул Целан

нищото разделено с точки
и свързано отново със запетайки
преди думите и след тях

върнах книгата зад шкафа
нека  спорът за спасението
да надживее гласовете ни

Übersetzung aus dem Bulgarischen von Thomas Hübner

Kiril Vasilev: Provintsii, Small Stations Press, London Sofia 2015 

© Kiril Vasilev and Small Stations Press, 2015.
© Thomas Hübner and, 2014-6. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without expressed and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Thomas Hübner and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

2 thoughts on “Kiril Vasilev: Bann

  1. Christina Vassileva

    Dear Thomas, there is a small mistake in the BG original of the text as posted on your blog. Originally, the pre-last line says: “нека спорът за спасението…” It is a noun “спорът” and not a verb “спорят”…
    Anyhow, this is an insignificant detail..
    What a wonderful translation you’ve done to Kiril’s poem! Thank you.

    1. admin Post author

      Dear Christina, thank you so much for the comment! I have already corrected the typo. Kiril’s book is wonderful, one of the best poetry books I have come across in Bulgarian.


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